Search Results for: i601a

I601A Waiver

I-601A Waiver Lawyers in Sacramento Serving Clients Nationwide Navigate the I601A Waiver Application Process with Confidence Our experienced legal team will:  Contact us today at (916) 613-3553 or email us at Call Us at (916) 613-3553 Why Do You Need an I601A Waiver? An I-601A waiver, also known as a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver,…

How Often Ignored Hardship That Can Help You Win Your I601a And I601 Waiver

How Often Ignored Hardship That Can Help You Win Your I601a And I601 Waiver

Welcome to our Immigration Show – In todays topic, Kaushik Ranchod will cover how often ignored hardship that can help you win your I601a and I601 waiver. Watch to learn more! Want to keep up to date with the latest immigration news? Subscribe to our YouTube!

Binder with paperwork

How to Write an I601A Extreme Hardship Waiver Argument

How to Write an I601A Extreme Hardship Waiver Argument don’t do this alone! Ranchod Law Group goes ABOVE AND BEYOND to write your legal brief. Mention this page & we’ll reduce our usual $150 consultation fee to $99 for I601/I601A & marriage based Green Cards How to Write an I601A Extreme Hardship Waiver Argument When…

Top I601A waiver and Green Card Legal Questions and Misconceptions

Top I601A waiver and Green Card Legal Questions and Misconceptions

Welcome to our immigration show! In today’s topic, we will be answering some of the top questions we’ve been getting. Can US citizen child file for me? Who is a qualifying relative? What are the processing times for the I-601A? We’ll also be sharing a case study. Learn more by checking out our video!


The i601A Waiver Application Mistake You Must Avoid

  Welcome to your weekly immigration show, this is Kaushik Ranchod from The Ranchod Law Group in Sacramento and today I want to talk to you about a serious mistake that I saw today.It was an individual who trusted this attorney who made a grave mistake – they filed the case without an underlying Green…


What Is i601a Waiver Extreme Hardship?

Kaushik Ranchod Explains extreme hardship for an i-601a waiver This Video offers a clear explanation of extreme hardship and how to address when filing an application. Extreme hardship for I601a Waivers is one of the most frequently asked questions by people when they approach us here at The Ranchod Law Group. A lot of people…


Nuestra Última Historia de Éxito I601a» Exención Provisional de Presencia Ilegal

Nuestra última I601A, Exención de Presencia Ilegal Provisional fue aprobada el 26 de enero de 2017. Es una gran alegría que podamos traer noticias tan maravillosas a nuestros clientes durante este tiempo de tormenta e incertidumbre. El Sr. y la Sra. Gray (no son sus nombres verdaderos) contactaron nuestra oficina para ver si podríamos ayudar…


Approval of I601A Waiver from a South American Country

The Case: a man who fled from South America into Mexico and illegally into the U.S. Filed: June 11, 2016 Approved: November 3, 2016 Client entered illegally in the early 2000s. Fled from his home country in South America into Mexico and crossed the border illegally into the U.S. Client is married to a U.S….


I601A Waiver Approval for Client from a Caribbean Island

Date I601A Waiver was Filed: January 4, 2016 Request for Additional Evidence Issued: July 14, 2016 Filed Response to Request: August 12, 2016 Date I601A Waiver was Approved: August 17, 2016 Our Client entered the U.S. in 2003 and married a U.S. Citizen in 2007 Together the couple has three children all born in the…


Las 5 preguntas más importantes que debe hacer acerca de renuncias i601 y i601a

5 cuestiones que debe saber sobre las exenciones I-601 y I-601ª • ¿Qué es una dificultad extrema en mi caso? • ¿Tengo algún tipo de dificultad médica? • ¿Tiene algún tipo de dificultades financieras? • ¿Se interrumpirá la carrera de su cónyuge ciudadano estadounidense? • ¿Es usted de un país que tiene condiciones que pondrían…


¿Debe solicitar DAPA o una Exención i601A?

DAPA o una exención I601A? Si usted califica para una Acción Diferida para Padres de Americanos y Residentes Permanentes Legales (DAPA) y I601A, usted podría preguntar cuál daría un mejor resultado. Las diferencias entre estos pueden resumirse como una solución temporal frente a una permanente. Bajo DAPA, si es aprobado, usted recibirá un permiso de…


Should you apply for DAPA or an i601A Waiver?

Vea Pagina en Español DAPA or an I601A waiver? If you qualify for Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and I601A, you might ask which one would yield a better result. The differences between these can be summed up as a temporary solution versus a permanent one. Under DAPA, if…


U Visa vs. I601a Waiver pros and cons.

Vea Pagina en Español I-601A : Requirements: Must prove that qualifying relative would suffer “ exceptional hardship ”- United States Citizen spouse or parent, and now, with the proposed President’s new Executive Action- Lawful Permanent Resident spouse or parent. United States CIS Processing Time: 4-6 months for United States CIS response, then 2-3 months for…

Avoid Denials for your I601a and I601 Waiver Application

If you’ve read my articles on obtaining an I601 Waiver when you’re married or engaged and trying to immigrate to the U.S. with your partner, you know the basic reasons why you may be turned down for a visa and the process you must go through to have your denial waived. The Importance of Extreme…



Contact us Immigration Lawyer in Sacramento Operating Nationwide Contact Us How can we help you? Please describe your situation for us to review before contacting you. First Name Last Name Number Email Preferred LanguageSelect…EspanolEnglish Idioma Preferida Type of VisaSelect…B-1B-2DACAEB-1GreencardGreencard RenewalH1-BI-130 (Petition for Alien Relative)I-751I601/I601AJ-1 WaiverJ-1 Waiver (No Objection)K-1 (Fiance)Marriage Based GreencardCitizenshipNational Interest WaiverOtherRFEU-VisaVAWABiden Law   …



Contact us Immigration Lawyer in Sacramento Operating Nationwide Contact Us How can we help you? Please describe your situation for us to review before contacting you. First Name Last Name Number Email Preferred LanguageSelect…EspanolEnglish Idioma Preferida Type of VisaSelect…B-1B-2DACAEB-1GreencardGreencard RenewalH1-BI-130 (Petition for Alien Relative)I-751I601/I601AJ-1 WaiverJ-1 Waiver (No Objection)K-1 (Fiance)Marriage Based GreencardCitizenshipNational Interest WaiverOtherRFEU-VisaVAWABiden Law   …

Immigration Options for DACA: Recent Developments and What Lies Ahead

Immigration Options for DACA: Recent Developments and What Lies Ahead

Immigration Options for DACA: Recent Developments and What Lies Ahead The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has been a lifeline for thousands of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. While this program doesn’t provide permanent immigration status, it does offer temporary protection from deportation and work authorization for…

Abogados de exención I-601A en Sacramento

Abogados de exención I-601A en Sacramento Sirviendo a Clientes a Nivel Nacional Navegue el proceso de solicitud de exención I601A con confianza Nuestro experimentado equipo legal: Llamenos al (916) 613-3553 ¿Por qué necesita una exención I601A? Una exención I-601A, también conocida como exención provisional por presencia ilegal, permite que ciertas personas que se encuentran en…

Tarjeta verde basada en el matrimonio

Tarjeta verde basada en el matrimonio Sirviendo a Clientes a Nivel Nacional Complete su solicitud de tarjeta verde por matrimonio de manera rápida y eficiente Nuestro experimentado equipo legal: Llamenos al (916) 613-3553 ¿Por qué necesita una tarjeta verde por matrimonio? Una tarjeta verde por matrimonio otorga el estatus de residente permanente a los cónyuges…

Marriage Green Card

Marriage Green Card Lawyers Serving Clients Nationwide Complete Your Marriage Green Card Application Quickly and Efficiently Our experienced legal team will:  Contact us today at (916) 613-3553 or email us at  Call Us at (916) 613-3553 Why Do You Need a Marriage Green Card? A marriage green card grants permanent resident status to the…

Homepage – Updated

HIGH QUALITY AND PERSONALIZED IMMIGRATION SERVICES At our law firm, we don’t just solve immigration problems, we create tailored and creative solutions to help you achieve your immigration goals. Hablamos Español! See What our Clients have to say! Ranchod Law Group immigration lawyer have helped thousands of clients in Sacramento & Stockton, and from across the nation, live…

The Top 17 Documents You Need to Include in Your Hardship Waiver Application

The Top 17 Documents You Need to Include in Your Hardship Waiver Application

The Top 17 Documents You Need to Include: When it comes to filling out an I-601 or I-601A application, it’s best to include as much documentation as possible. To help you, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common documents you’ll need to include. Keep in mind that some of these may not…

Common Reasons You Might Need an Immigration Lawyer

Common Reasons You Might Need an Immigration Lawyer

Do you need an immigration lawyer to help you with your case? Have you wondered if you need an immigration lawyer to help you with your case? Although you’re not required to work with a lawyer, there are many instances where it can significantly increase the chances of your case getting approved, especially if it’s…

Homepage New

questions? contact us! Immigration Attorney for Waivers & Green Cards SERVING all 50 STATES Ranchod Law Group immigration attorneys have helped thousands of clients in Sacramento & Stockton, and from across the nation, live and work in the United States. Our primary focus is to unify families, as well as connect businesses with qualified employees from abroad. We stay…

Approved Waivers

Successful Applications I601, I601A, I612, J1 Waivers & More Our Success Rate 99% success rate over the past 20 years.* for I601a waivers 97.2% overall success rate. *This success rate does not apply to J1 waivers with US government funding and Fullbright exceptional hardship waiver cases Approved Waivers Contact our Office!

Understanding the Three and Ten-Year Bars

Understanding the Three and Ten-Year Bars

Many undocumented immigrants encounter barriers that make securing lawful status difficult; among these barriers are the three- and ten-year bars. While individuals may meet the requirements to adjust their legal status, they’re often required to leave the country and re-enter with a valid visa to have their status adjusted. However, the three- and ten-year bars…

I-601A Hardship Waivers

I-601A HARDSHIP WAIVERS & EXTREME HARDSHIP I601A HARDSHIP WAIVERS Have you entered the United States without a visa? If you meet specific requirements and have not been found inadmissible on some basis other than unlawful presence, you may be eligible to receive an I601A Provisional Waiver of Inadmissibility. The I-601A waiver allows those immigrating as…

Perdón I-601

PERDÓN I-601 | DIFICULTAD EXTREMA PERDON I601 DIFICULTAD EXTREMA Quizás la parte más importante del proceso diseñado para revertir la prohibición de su visa es donde el ciudadano calificado, quien sería su esposo o novio abogar por que el no puede entrar en el país causaría a “extremas dificultades”. Cuando se realiza un caso de…

Marriage green cards in 2021, changes and procedures explained

Marriage green cards in 2021, changes and procedures explained

 Kaushik Ranchod from The Ranchod Law Group in Sacramento welcomes you to this episode of the immigration show with updates on the marriage-based green card. Marriage-based green cards are one of the most frequently filed cases here at our office in Sacramento. In this video, Kaushik details the marriage-based green card process and talks…

Immigration Attorney Sacramento California

Immigration Lawyer in Sacramento, CA Dedicated To Visas, Waivers and Green Cards Ready to start your case? Call our team Hablamos Español Contact our Office! How can we help you? Please describe your situation for us to review before contacting you. First Name Last Name Number Email Preferred LanguageSelect…EspanolEnglish Idioma Preferida Type of VisaSelect…B-1B-2DACAEB-1GreencardGreencard RenewalH1-BI-130…


Aprobacion del perdon I-601A para clientes mexicanos que ingresaron ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos.

Aprobación del perdón I-601A por ingresar y permanecer en los EE. UU. Ilegalmente para un cliente mexicano Fecha que el perdón fue archivado: Octubre 11, 2016 Fecha que el perdón fue aprobado: Agosto 14, 2017 Los hechos sobre el perdón provisional por presencia ilegal: El cliente ingresó ilegalmente y se quedó en los Estados Unidos…


Two I-601A Hardship Waiver Success Stories

This article is based on a video created by Immigration Attorney Kaushik Ranchod from The Ranchod Law Group. The video is part of the ongoing immigration show where Kaushik shares Immigration Law information, focusing on I-601A and other hardship waivers. Today what we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about a case study…

Nuestras historias de éxito

Historias De Exito PERDONES APROBADOS Perdones I-601, I601A, J1 PERDON I-601A APROBADO Ejemplos de Perdones Aprobados: 2017Sometido: 23/02/2016Aprobado: 03/03/2017Pais: Region Sudamericana El cliente ingresó ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos al cruzar la frontera hace casi 20 años y no tiene antecedentes penales. El cliente está casado con un ciudadano estadounidense de ascendencia mexicana y la…

What You Need to Know When Filing Your H1B in 2020 The immigration laws are changing fast and more changes are expected this year. For instance, the rules for filing your H1B have changed. What are the changes? How do you file for your H1B under President Trump’s administration?  Kaushik Ranchod has some advice on what you need to know when filing your H1B in…

U Visa Approved Cases, Letter of Approval and Success Story

Received Date: 01/06/2015 Notice Date: 05/07/2019 In order to win U Visa Petitions we have to prove: that our client suffered a qualifying crime; that they suffered substantial injuries as a result of the crime; that they cooperated with the police in the prosecution of the assailant. Before proceeding to submit the application on behalf…

¿Qué tipos de exenciones I601 están siendo aprobadas?

Hola, soy Kaushik Ranchod, aqui con Brian. Hoy vamos a hablar de lo que estamos aprobando ahora. Sobre las Exenciones I-601, porque como saben, con la administración del Presidente Trump se está volviendo mucho más difícil que estos casos sean aprobados. En general, la tasa de negación ha incrementado un 40%. Nuestra firma aún está…

I-601 Waiver Success Story for a Pakistani National

I-601 Fraud and Misrepresentation (perhaps because of nerves) We at The Ranchod Law Group pride ourselves on our success as it means we have had the opportunity to positively impact the lives of our clients. One such client is currently in Pakistan while his ailing mother lives in the United States as a Legal Permanent…

I-601 Waiver Approval – Client from Southeast Asia

Case Filed: 03/13/2018 I-601 Waiver Approved: 02/22/2019 Welcome to the Ranchod Law Group weekly immigration update to get your questions answered. The following video addresses the I-601 Waiver for those with criminal convictions. Call us at 916-613-3553 So a question that we get in a case that we often do is I 601 a waiver…

I-601A waiver for Mexican national – Health Insurance, Psychological and Medical Conditions

For the Spanish version of this article please click here Our office is proud of our track record in helping our clients keep their families together through the I-601A Waiver process – including our latest success story – approval in 3 months!Our client is the husband of a U.S. citizen and father to two U.S….

I-601A Waivers: Children Cannot Petition For Parents

Hi this is Kaushik Ranchod from the The Ranchod Law Group with Brian – we’re here doing our weekly immigration show. Today we’re going to talk about a frequently asked question on a top waiver: I601a. Children filing I-601A Waivers for their parents Can Children file for an I-601A Waiver? One question that I get…

Keeping Families Together Through The I-601A Waiver Process

Here at #The Ranchod Law Group our office is proud of our track record in helping Clients keep their families together through the I-601A waiver process – including our latest success story which was approved in 3 months! The Facts about this Success Story Our client is the husband of a U.S. citizen and father…

An I-601A Success Story: Waiver approval for medical extreme hardship

Hi this isKaushik Ranchod here fromThe Ranchod Law Group with Brian and today we’re going to talk about the I-601a Waiver.Before doing so, I want to express our gratitude to all of you that have been checking in every week. For all of our clients, stay tuned because we are going to talk about how…

Examples of Successful I-601A Waiver Applications

Examples of Successful I-601A Waiver Applications View in English Examples of Successful I-601A Waiver Applications Hi, this is Kaushik Ranchod here from the Ranchod Law Group, here for our weekly immigration update with Brian as well. So today we’re gonna discuss some examples of successful I-601A Waivers. You have been asking questions and we want…

Top 3 Facts on I-601 Waivers, Latest Immigration Q&A from The Ranchod Law Group

Hi this is Kaushik Ranchod here with our weekly immigration. I’m here with Brian and today we have a lot of exciting topics we’re going to talk about. I have updates on TPS. We’re going to talk about one of President Trump’s latest of memos, then we’re going to talk about I601 questions and a…

I-601 Waiver Approved for Client in India

Waiver File date: April 27, 2017 RFE Issue: June 11, 2018 RFE Responded to Within Deadline in July 2018 Waiver Approval date: August 31, 2018 The Facts about this I-601 Waiver Approval Success Story Client was previously in the United States on a non-immigrant visa While in the United States, Client was charged with immigration…

Vivid Vision

Vivid Vision WHAT WE DO We love helping immigrant families, top business and research professionals, and employers achieve their dreams. OUR PROGRAMS FOR 2024 & 2025 We are a white glove immigration law firm known for our unique knowledge in Waivers and the following: We prefer to provide high end work and we attract clients…

i-601a Waivers and Extreme hardship Explained By Immigration Attorney Kaushik Ranchod

Schedule a consultation with us, call now (916) 613-3553 I-601a Waiver Explained By Immigration Attorney Serving Stockton CA Another success story by the Ranchod Law Group. Watch this video where immigration attorney Kaushik Ranchod illustrates how they were able to prove extreme hardship. The Story The Client, a U.S. Citizen working a job had been…

Las 5 razones principales de por qué las exenciones de dificultades son denegadas

— Las cinco razones principales de por qué las exenciones por dificultades son denegadas En la Ley de Ranchod presentamos innumerables exenciones de privación en nombre de nuestros clientes, incluyendo: • Exenciones excepcionales de dificultad para los titulares de visa J • Exenciones extremas e inusuales de privaciones para clientes con antecedentes penales • Fraude…



Our Immigration Services ONE OF OUR AREAS OF FOCUS IS WAIVERS SOME OF THE DIFFERENT WAIVERS WE FILE FREQUENTLY INCLUDE: J waivers so that J1 visa holders and their family members don’t have to return to their home country for two years I601a waivers for entering and remaining in the U.S. illegally I601 waivers for…

I-601a Hardship Waiver Approval Notice

The Facts about this i601a waiver approval for Mexican Client Filed: November 11, 2016 Approved: July 20, 2017 We also argued exceptional emotional hardship in both the scenario of relocation and separation because after suffering a miscarriage the US citizen wife suffered from profound depression. We try to approach each case with multifaceted arguments in…

I-601a Approval Document, Client Entered the U.S. Illegally from Mexico

 The Facts about another i-601a Approval for Illegally Entering the U.S. Filed: July 27, 2016 Approved: December 23, 2016 Client is from Mexico Client entered illegally in 2005 Client has remained in the U.S. illegally Client is married to U.S. Citizen who has several children Children are all U.S. Citizens In order to win…

I-601A Unlawful Presence Waiver APPROVED for Client from Central America

The Facts about this I-601A hardship waiver approval, how we successfully argued the case Filed: January 17, 2017 Approved: April 21, 2017 The Client entered the U.S. illegally more than 15 years ago He never had any trouble with the law He is married to a U.S. Citizen Client’s wife had dealt with some serious…

i-601a Waiver Approved for Client Who Entered the U.S. Illegally

The Facts about this i-601a hardship waiver case Filed: December 4, 2016 Approved: March 17, 2017 Client is from Mexico Client entered the U.S. via the border when he was 15 Client is married to a woman of Mexican descent born in the U.S. Client does not have a criminal history Our Approach These waivers…

Historia de éxito de la exención I-601A

Clasificada en 2/23/2016 Aprobada en 3/3/2017 I601A, la solicitud de exención provisional por presencia ilegal ha sido aprobada para nuestro cliente mexicano que ingresó ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos y ha estado residiendo ilícitamente por casi 20 años. Los hechos: El cliente entró ilegalmente en Estados Unidos al cruzar la frontera hace casi 20 años…

Our Latest I-601a Success Story » Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver

Our Latest i 601a, Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver was approved on January 26, 2017. It is with great joy that we can bring such wonderful news to our clients during this time of turmoil and uncertainty. Mr. and Mrs. Grey (not their real names) contacted our office to see if we could help Mrs. Grey…

Exención I-601a, Entrada y estancia ilegal en Estados Unidos desde México

La exención fue archivada el 31 de Agosto de 2016 y Aprobada el 14 de Enero de 2017 Los hechos: • Nuestro cliente entró ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos en 2000 • El Cliente está casado con un Ciudadano Estadounidense • El cónyuge del cliente tiene cinco hijos y diez nietos todos los ciudadanos de…

i 601a Waiver, illegal entry and permanence in the U.S. from Mexico

I 601a Waiver was Filed on August 31, 2016 Approved: January 14, 2017 The Facts Our Client illegally entered the U.S. in 2000 The Client is married to a U.S. Citizen The Client’s spouse has five children and ten grandchildren all U.S. Citizens How we Built and Won the Case We argued among other reasons…

I-601A Waivers, Client from Mexico entered and resided illegally in the U.S.

I-601A Waivers, Client from Mexico entered and resided illegally in the U.S. I-601A Waiver was Filed on October 13, 2016Approved: February 10, 2017 The Facts Our Client entered the U.S. illegally over twelve years ago She does not have a criminal record She is married to a U.S. Citizen Together, they have three children born…

I-601A Waiver Approved for Mexican Client, Unlawful Entry and Unlawful Presence in the U.S.

I-601A Waiver was Filed on August 31, 2016 Approved: January 18, 2017 The Facts Our I-601A Client entered the United States in the year 2000 Client is married to a U.S. Citizen The couple has a U.S. Citizen child How we Built and Won the Case The Ranchod Law Group was able to identify many…

I 601a Waiver Approvals » Mexican Client Entered Illegally and is in the U.S. Illegally

I-601A Waiver was Filed on August 31, 2016 Approved: January 27, 2017 The Facts Client was brought into the U.S. illegally from Mexico He was a small child He is married to a U.S. citizen How we Built and Won the Case In order to prove hardship to his wife, if his case were denied,…

Aprobación de la solicitud de exención I-601a, por entrada y presencial ilegal

Aviso de aprobación de la exención i601a (12/12/2016) El caso: una señora entró ilegalmente en el país, tuvo un hijo y se casó con un ciudadano estadounidense Archivado: 14 de Julio de 2016 Aprobado: 12 de Diciembre de 2016 • El cliente entró ilegalmente a principios de los años 2000 y nunca salió de Estados…

Aprobación de la exención I-601a a un cliente de un país de America del Sur

I-601 Aprobación de la Exención – 3 de noviembre de 2016 El caso: Hombre que huyó desde un país en America del Sur a México para entrar ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos. Exención archivada el 11 de Junio de 2016 y aprobada el 3 de Noviembre de 2016 • El cliente entró ilegalmente en Estados…

Solicitud de exención por extrema dificultad I-601a aprobada para un cliente de México

I-601A Aprobación de la Exención de Dificultades – Cliente de México Aprobación de la exención I-601a para un joven de México • El cliente es un joven que entró a los Estados Unidos en su adolescencia a principios de los años 2000. • Su esposa y su hija nacieron en los Estados Unidos. • El…

I-601A: How Psychological and Financial Hardship affect an approval

Vea Pagina en Español We would like to share one of our many I-601A success stories. Our clients, who we will call Patrick and Adriana to protect their privacy, came to our office for a consultation earlier this year. We assessed their case and decided that they would be excellent candidates to apply for an…

I 601a Waiver Approved – September 25, 2016

Approval of Another i 601a Waiver for a Client from Mexico Filed: April 20, 2016 Approved: September 29, 2016 Client entered the U.S. illegally in 2005. He married a U.S. Citizen and together the couple has three U.S. Citizen children. There were various hardships in the case including a child with pre-asthma Client’s wife has…

Aprobación de la solicitud de exención I-601a para un cliente del Caribe

Fecha en que se presentó la exención de I601A: 4 de enero de 2016 Solicitud de evidencia adicional emitida: 14 de julio de 2016 Respuesta archivada a la petición: 12 de agosto de 2016 Fecha en que se aprobó la exención I601A: 17 de agosto de 2016 Nuestro cliente ingresó a los Estados Unidos en…

I-601a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Approval 2016-08-30

The most recent I601A approval notice processed by the Ranchod Law Group in Sacramento CA. Processing time: 5 months 18 days A Detailed list of other information on I-601A Waivers Keeping Families Together Through The I-601A Waiver Process I-601A Waiver Approval and Success Story for a Mexican National I-601A Waiver for National from Guatemala An…

I-601A Hardship Waiver Available to Spouses and Children of Lawful Permanent Residents

Vea Pagina en Español BREAKING NEWS: On July 29, 2016, USCIS announced a final rule extending the I-601A Provisional Waiver to include spouses and children of lawful permanent residents. This expansion will go into effect August 29, 2016 Until now, children and spouses of lawful permanent residents seeking to obtain a waiver of inadmissibility due…

I-601A Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Approval

Our most recent I-601A Hardship Waiver approved by the USCIS. Procedure initiated and followed by The Ranchod Law Group in Sacramento California. See more of our Approved I-601 Hardship Waivers. A Detailed list of other information on I-601A Waivers Keeping Families Together Through The I-601A Waiver Process I-601A Waiver Approval and Success Story for a…

I-601A Waiver Approved for Client by The Ranchod Law Group

Vea Pagina en Español Filed: December 28, 2015 Approved: May 13, 2016 Country: Mexico Client entered the U.S. at the age of 15. He is married to a U.S. Citizen and the couple has three children. We argued on client’s behalf an element of medical hardship because client’s wife was hospitalized once previously and one…

I-601 Waiver Approved for Client

I-601 waiver approved for client we can help you too! vea pagina en español I-601 Waiver Approval process Filed: September 4, 2015 Request for Evidence Issued: February 1, 2016 Filed Response to Request for Evidence: March 7, 2016 Approved: March 30, 2016 Country: Mexico History of Procedure Client entered the U.S. illegally in 2004…

California first state to pass legislation to expedite U Visa Certifications

About U Visa Certifications Most illegal immigrants come to the United States to escape a life of poverty and violence. Unfortunately, once they are here they fail to report even the most heinous crimes committed against them for fear of being deported. This fear makes illegal immigrants particularly vulnerable to victimization. In October of 2000,…

Success Story: Approval of I-601A for Client Brought to U.S. as a Child

Vea Pagina en Español Case presented to USCIS on: January 27, 2015 RFE Issued: April 10, 2015 Responded to RFE on: May 8, 2015 Approved: June 3, 2015 Client was brought into the U.S. by his parents at the age of 2. He didn’t even realize or understand he lacked status in the U.S. until…

Immigration Lawyer reveals a top reason for Green Card denials in Sacramento, San Francisco and San Jose

One of the top questions I get from my marriage based clients is Why would my case be denied? One of the top reasons that cases are denied is because the couple fails to demonstrate that they have a bona fide relationship. However, let me be more specific. The top reason that I have found…

How Home Country Conditions Support Hardship Waivers

Home Country Conditions Support Hardship Waivers I-601A Hardship Country Conditions: Video on How Country Condition are Hardship. A hardship waiver application should explain how each and every aspect of a denial could cause exceptional hardship to the United States citizen. This is not limited to how the United States citizen’s health, finances, and education would…

Five Facts about I-601 & I-601a Waivers you need to know

Vea Pagina en Español The 5 most important questions you should ask about i601 and i601a waivers What is an extreme hardship in my case? Do I have any kind of medical hardship? Do you have any type of financial hardship? Will your U.S. Citizen spouse’s career be disrupted? Are you from a country that…

Face Your Immigration Law and Life Challenges with Optimism

The immigration process is unquestionably challenging. It takes a long time and communication between government agencies and those who are applying for visas, waivers, a green card, or citizenship, is often unclear. At the Ranchod Law Group, we step in to make this process easier for our client, and we face the challenge with confidence….

Nuevo programa de inmigración enfrenta a desafíos

A mediados de febrero, un juez federal en Texas bloqueó la acción ejecutiva del Presidente Obama. La nueva orden del Presidente Obama, originalmente anunciado en noviembre, ha tenido muchas críticas significativas. El programa, conocido como acción diferida para padres de estadounidenses y residentes permanentes legales o DAPA, ofrece entre 4 y 5 millones de personas,…

Theme Crucial for Successful I601 Extreme Hardship Waiver Application

A successful extreme hardship waiver should have a strong theme that ties the whole application together. A theme provides a basis for the waiver and structures each argument. While it is important to discuss each factor of extreme hardship: Health Education Finance Special considerations It should not read as a disjointed application. Rather, each of…

Visa U vs Exención I-601a. Pros y Cons

I-601A: Requisitos: Debe demostrar que el pariente calificado sufriría “dificultad extrema” -U.S. Cónyuge ciudadano o padre, y ahora, con el nuevo cónyuge o padre de la nueva Acción Ejecutiva propuesta por el Presidente Ejecutivo Legal. Tiempo de Procesamiento USCIS: 4-6 meses para la respuesta USCIS, luego 2-3 meses para el proceso consular en el extranjero….

Green Cards Marriage Videos

Seven Marriage Green Card interview mistakes you must avoid Seven Marriage Green Card interview mistakes you must avoid Three Marriage or Fiancé Visa Options Revealed and Which is the Best One for You Three Marriage or Fiancé Visa Options Revealed and Which is the Best One for You Marriage Green Card Explained with New Changes…

I-601 Waiver Videos

I-601 Waiver Videos Top Reasons I601 and I601A Waivers Get Approved What do you do And What you need to know if your Hardship Waiver gets denied What to do if Applying For An I-601 Waiver with Criminal Convictions? Which are the I-601 Waivers with the highest approval rates? Learn About the Latest I601 and…

Other Ranchod Law Videos

Green card Renewal: I751 What You Should Do and What You Must Avoid Doing Family and parental green card process fully explained Green Card for Children: Laws and Process Explained Seven New Immigration Policies Revealed To Take Place Under a Biden Presidency What is USCIS Save and I864 affidavit of support? Immigration Attorney Reacts to…

El Ranchod Law Group, servicios a los inmigrantes en español

El Ranchod Law Group, servicios a los inmigrantes en español

Abogado de inmigración en Sacramento, CA dedicado a visas, exenciones y tarjetas verdes ¿Listo para iniciar su caso? LLame nuestro Equipo Perdones I601 y I601A Extencion J1 matrimonio, Familia La tasa de éxito mencionada excluye las Exenciones J1 vinculadas a la financiación del Gobierno de EE. UU., incluyendo las Becas Fulbright. En Ranchod Law Group…


Form I-601A: Common Misconceptions about the New Unlawful Presence Waiver

Vea Pagina en Español Sorting Fact from Fiction: The New Unlawful Presence Waiver In March of this year the USCIS (U.S. Immigration) released a provisional unlawful presence waiver (form I-601a). With this waiver, individuals who are inadmissible to the U.S. for unlawful presence (for example, in the U.S. illegally after entering illegally) can apply for…

Filing Unlawful Presence Waivers (form I-601A), Demonstration of Extreme Hardship

Vea Pagina en Español What papers do I need in order to file my unlawful presence waiver (form I-601A)? How do I show my extreme hardship to USCIS? Previously, we discussed the basic requirements for the USCIS (U.S. Immigration) provisional unlawful presence waiver (form I-601A). This is a waiver that can be used by individuals…

Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver (Form I-601A)

Vea Pagina en Español The Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver became available as of March 2013 and we have already filed and are preparing these applications. With these waivers, individuals who are inadmissible for unlawful presence (being in the U.S. illegally) can apply for a waiver of this bar, and, after the waiver is approved, travel…

Top 5 Mitos de la exención provisional por presencia ilegal I-601A

Cinco Mitos sobre la Exención Provisional Presencia Ilegal I-601A Exenciones Provisorias de Presencia Ilegal Estatus legal de inmigración. La aprobación de su exención provisional de presencia ilegal no afecta su estado actual de inmigración. Aunque si su exención y visa de inmigrante son aprobados en última instancia, resultará la obtención de residencia permanente. Aunque su…

Top 5 Myths of Provisional I-601A Unlawful Presence Waivers

Vea Pagina en Español Author: Ranchod Law Group Five Myths on Provisional I-601A Unlawful Presence Mythbusting Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers Lawful Immigration Status. Approval of your provisional unlawful presence waiver does not affect your current immigration status. Although if your waiver and Immigrant Visa do get approved it will ultimately result in obtaining permanent residency….

Defects With I-601A Applications

Vea Pagina en Español I-601A Applications The USCIS has been accepting applications for the I-601A provisional unlawful presence waiver, and identified trends in errors with applications, forcing the agency to reject applications For almost two months, the USCIS has been accepting applications for the I-601A provisional unlawful presence waiver. In this time, the USCIS has…

Can I Apply for an I-601A Waiver If Under an Order of Voluntary Departure?

Vea Pagina en Español I-601 Waivers and Voluntary Departure This article offers specific information related to applications for I-601A Waivers and if applications are allowed by someone if they have an order of voluntary departure. Author: The Ranchod Law Group One of the most frequently asked questions about I-601 Waivers we get in our Sacramento…

What you need to know about Form I-601A

Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver » Form I-601A This article offers a detail description of Form I-601A which allows individuals to apply for the provisional unlawful waiver Author: Ranchod Law Group Form I-601A: Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver The USCIS finally released its Form I-601A allowing individuals to apply for the provisional unlawful presence waiver….

Do Criminal Convictions Affect I-601A Waivers?

I-601A Waivers and Criminal Convictions A consultation in our offices at Sacramento recently addressed the issue of I-601A Waivers and criminal convictions. If you are applying for a provisional unlawful presence Waiver (Form I-601A), you will be asked to provide information about your past criminal convictions. You may hesitate to list your criminal past, but…

I-601 Waivers: A Frequently Asked Question in Sacramento

Vea Pagina en Español Questions and Concerns related to I-601 Waivers There has been change and brought about by the final rule allowing you to apply for the provisional unlawful presence waiver from within the United States … Can I apply for a provisional waiver in the United States? YES. The USCIS has implemented the…

Tips for Completing Form I-601A Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers

Vea Pagina en Español Starting March 4, 2013, applicants can apply for the provisional unlawful presence waiver (by completing form I-601A)   that will allow certain immediate family members of U.S. citizens to know before leaving the country to attend their visa interview whether they are subject to a bar to reentry into the U.S. With so…

Will I Be Subject to Removal Proceedings If My I-601A Application is Denied?

The waiver would allow an individual to know before leaving the U.S. whether they would have to spend three or even ten years abroad prior to returning to the U.S. While it may seem that many eligible individuals would be excited by the prospect of this waiver, there is also some concern that if an individual applies for the waiver, that person would essentially expose their illegal status in the U.S. triggering removal proceedings.


How to Prove “Extreme Hardship” for an I-601A Hardship Waiver

Vea Pagina en Español Starting March 4, 2013, eligible individuals can apply for the new I601a Waivers.This Waivers will allow certain immediate family members of United States citizens who are in the process of obtaining a visa to obtain a provisional unlawful presence Waivers prior to leaving the U.S. This will allow these individuals to…

Sacramento Office – Immigration Attorney

Sacramento Office – Immigration Attorney

Contact us Immigration Lawyer in Sacramento Operating Nationwide Contact Us How can we help you? Please describe your situation for us to review before contacting you. First Name Last Name Number Email Preferred LanguageSelect…EspanolEnglish Idioma Preferida Type of VisaSelect…B-1B-2DACAEB-1GreencardGreencard RenewalH1-BI-130 (Petition for Alien Relative)I-751I601/I601AJ-1 WaiverJ-1 Waiver (No Objection)K-1 (Fiance)Marriage Based GreencardCitizenshipNational Interest WaiverOtherRFEU-VisaVAWABiden Law   …

I-601 Waivers: New Unlawful Presence Requirements

Vea Pagina en Español As we approach the USCIS date (March 4, 2013) for accepting applications for the new unlawful presence I-601 waiver, we’ve received many questions from clients and potential clients and we are writing this post to further clarify the responses to these common questions. For a general question/answer post on the new…

What Doesn’t Warrant Expedition of I-601 Waivers?

Vea Pagina en Español An applicant submitting I601, Application for Waiver of Ground of Inadmissibility, should be aware that certain circumstances will not warrant his or her application being expedited for review or approval. These include only a strong desire on the part of the applicant or qualifying relative for the applicant to be admitted…

Expedite I-601Waivers Requires Hard Evidence

Vea Pagina en Español If you are interested in expediting I-601, Application for Waiver of Ground of Inadmissibility, prepare to present evidence of extraordinary circumstances. You cannot simply pay an additional fee to have United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) consider your application for expedited review or approval. What you can do is show…


Unlawful Presence Part 3 – The I-601 Waiver

Vea Pagina en Español To obtain a Waivers of unlawful presence to be able to re-enter the United States, you have to show extreme and unusual hardship to your spouse who is a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident or son or daughter of a United States Citizen or Permanent Resident. Please note unlawful…

Proceso para I-601 Solicitud Exención por dificultad

I-601 EXENCIÓN POR DIFICULTADES ECONÓMICAS En un artículo anterior, discutí algunas de las razones más comunes que harían que un cónyuge nacido en el extranjero no fuera elegible para una visa estadounidense. Mi trabajo como abogado de inmigración me ha puesto en contacto con una serie de personas que buscan una Exención por Dificultades I-601,…


Why so many I-601 Hardship Waivers are Denied

Usually, a foreign-born spouse can have their petition for a visa approved and they can enter the United States with their husband or wife. But in my capacity as an immigration attorney, I’ve found that matters get complicated when a spouse is found to be inadmissible due to various criteria that determine they are not…

Áreas de Práctica

Servicios de Inmigracion Abogado de Inmigracion en Sacramento CA ABOGADO ESPECIALIZADO EN INMIGRACIÓN ATENDIENDO A CLIENTES EN TODO ESTADOS UNIDOS Ranchod Law Group es una firma de abogados especializada en inmigración situada en Sacramento, California que proporciona una larga variedad de servicios de inmigración para personas individuales o cualquier profesional tanto en Estados Unidos como en…

Tarjeta Verde por Matrimonio

Sepa si califica para la Tarjeta Verde de Matrimonio con un Abogado de Inmigración. Ciudadanos estadounidenses son elegibles para solicitar una visa de prometido/a o Tarjeta Verde de matrimonio para que su cónyuge pueda residir legalmente en los Estados Unidos. Nuestra empresa, con oficinas en Sacramento, California, trabaja con clientes en todo el país que…

Marriage Green Cards, Green Card Marriage Interview Representation

Marriage Based Green Card Application Learn whether you qualify for a Marriage Green Card from an Experienced Immigration Attorney United States citizens are eligible to apply for a Fiancée visa or marriage Green Card for their intended spouse to reside in the United States legally. The Ranchod Law Group works with clients nationwide who are…

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