Filed: May 22, 2017
RFE: Issued November 17, 2017
RFE Responded to Within Deadline in January 2018
Approved: August 16, 2018
The facts about this case
- Client is from a country in South Asia.
- Spouse is on a J2 Visa.
- The couple has an elementary school aged child.
In this case there were a number of key factors based on the economical and political situation in the country, namely:
- political turbulence;
- economic crises;
- sharp inflation;
- humanitarian crisis;
- critical shortage of daily necessities;
- unavailability of medical care;
- unavailability of essential medicines;
- absence of clean water and food;
- infrastructure issues;
- lack of education.
All these factors would have an exceptionally negative effect on the child’s safety, health, education, well-being, development, and mental health and would create a situation of extreme hardship.
Here at the The Ranchod Law Group, we relied heavily on our ability to argue the case and document all these negative aspects and conditions the family would experience and endure.
Related Information: other I-612 Waivers Approved
- I-612 Waiver Approval Notice for Egyptian Client
- I-612 Waiver Approval based on Exceptional Hardship for Client from Pakistan
- I-612 Waiver Approval: Applied March 9, 2016 – Approved July 28, 2016
- I-612 Waiver Approval (Applied Jan 28 2016 – Approved July 14, 2016)
- I-612 Approved Waiver (Applied Oct 29 2015 – Approved July 14, 2016)
- I-612 Application for Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement
- J1 Hardship Waiver Approval for Client from Egypt
- J-1 Hardship Waiver Approved for Egyptian Applicant With Government Funding
- J-1 Hardship Waiver Approval for Saudi Arabian Client
Additional information on Requests for Evidence (RFE):
- Responding to a Hardship Waiver RFE
- Increase in the number of Requests for Further Evidence (RFEs)
- Expedite I-601Waivers Requires Hard Evidence
- Gather Evidence of an Extreme Hardship for Form I-601
- I-601 Waiver Approved for Client in India
- J1 Hardship Waiver Approval for Client from Egypt
- I-601 Waiver Approved for Client
- Success Story: Approval of I-601A for Client Brought to U.S. as a Child