I-601A Waiver Approval from Mexico

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I-601A Waiver Approvals by the Ranchod Law Group

Filed: December 26, 2015
Approved: April 18, 2016

The Facts

  • Client was brought into the U.S. when she was a child
  • She was raised in the U.S. where she met and married her high school sweetheart, a U.S. Citizen
  • The couple has three children born in the U.S
  • The Ranchod Law Group argued that client’s waiver should be approved because client was a stay at home mom and her husband could not both work and take care of all of the children

Also, client’s husband does not earn enough to pay for childcare. Additionally, one of the children was hyperactive and difficult to care for and there would be extreme emotional hardship to client’s husband if client’s waiver was denied.

Client and her husband were thrilled when their waiver was approved particularly because since client has been here since childhood this is the only country she really knows at all. At Ranchod Law we have experience supporting I-601A waiver cases and making strong arguments to present the very best case possible for our clients.

A Detailed list of other information on I-601A Waivers