I-601A Waiver Approved for Client by The Ranchod Law Group

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Filed: December 28, 2015
Approved: May 13, 2016
Country: Mexico
Client entered the U.S. at the age of 15. He is married to a U.S. Citizen and the couple has three children. We argued on client’s behalf an element of medical hardship because client’s wife was hospitalized once previously and one of the children has a medical issue which is being monitored. Also, the family relies on the incomes of both client and his wife and client and his wife both care for the children. In some cases, the hardship is very clear; in most cases, there are many small elements of hardship. We argue that these small factors of hardship should result in extreme hardship as a whole.

A Detailed list of other information on I-601A Waivers