Success Stories: Approval of the Appeal of Denial of Naturalization to Become a U.S. Citizen

Filed: November 25, 2014
Interview: February 24, 2015
Approved: June 16, 2015

Client came to us after his application for naturalization (to become a U.S. citizen) was denied. Client’s application was denied because he was accused of committing fraud in that he was separated from his spouse at the time he filed his joint (petition to remove conditions of residence).

The truth was that while client was separated from his spouse he was still married and believed the relationship would work out. Unfortunately, there was little supporting paperwork to prove he was still in the relationship, especially since the couple was living apart. Nevertheless, we worked with the paperwork we did have and focused a large part of our argument on the fact that client had no reason to lie.

Client really believed and hoped the relationship would work out. Otherwise, since there was no question the marriage was valid in the first place, if he had been divorced he could have filed the petition on his own, without his spouse’s signature. It was a long process but client was delighted when the case was finally approved!

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