Today what we’re going to talk about is… the need to remove the conditions on your greencard if you have a conditional green card.
So why do you get a conditional green card? Well the reason you might get a conditional green card is if you were married for less than two years. In this case you need to remove the conditions on your greencard within two years. You can do that 90 days before the two year period.
What do you do if you’re no longer married? That can be a problem but you can file for what’s called a Waiver of the joint condition filing by demonstrating that there’s a good-faith marriage.
There’s a myriad of ways to demonstrate this. What’s really important is you you have appropriate documentation. For example, joint documents that demonstrate that you were truly married. There is other documentation that you want to submit as well such as affidavits from friends and family members.
To learn more about the procedure, I invite you to contact our office at (916) 613-3553 to find out if you qualify for a Waiver of the joint filing:
- If you are divorced;
- If you are planning on a divorce.
It’s important that you contact our office because you do need to file for the Waiver and meet this requirement or you could be put into removal proceedings so I invite you to contact us at ©(916) 613-3553 and I look forward to helping you. Thank you, tune in next week for another video from the The Ranchod Law Group.