I-601a Waiver Approvals, Waiver for El Salvadorian Client Who Entered the U.S. Illegally

i-601a waiver approval - exceptional hardship
i-601a waiver approval document (exceptional hardship)

The Facts about this i-601a hardship waiver approval for El Salvadorian Client Who Entered the U.S. Illegally

Filed: December 22, 2016
Approved: April 11, 2017

  • Client entered the U.S. illegally around 10 years ago
  • He is married to a U.S. Citizen
  • He has a U.S. Citizen child from a prior relationship
  • Client’s U.S. Citizen spouse has had some health conditions in the past including anxiety
  • Client’s U.S. Citizen spouse is a student

To win these i-601a cases, we were required to prove client’s wife would suffer extreme hardship both if she remained in the U.S. without client and also if she tried to accompany client to El Salvador.

We were able to successfully argue client cannot support his spouse physically, financially, or emotionally from abroad.

We also argued client’s wife cannot relocate to El Salvador because in El Salvador she would lack access to the medical care she needs, she doesn’t speak Spanish, she could not continue her education, and because of the dangerous country conditions. As a discretionary matter we also pointed out client has a U.S. Citizen child from a prior relationship who is dependent on his child support and their relationship for his well-being and development. The Ranchod Law Group has significant experience building and arguing waiver cases so we can present the best case possible for each client.

Schedule a consultation with us, call now (916) 613-3553

A Detailed list of other information on I-601A Waivers

See also:


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