2019 has come to a close. A lot of immigration challenges have been developing over the last year or more, and things may seem difficult sometimes. How do we cope with these difficulties when working towards moving to the United States?
It can seem difficult sometimes, especially in this current political climate. Denials of visas have increased, as have requests for more evidence. Not all is lost, though.
This week, host Kaushik Ranchod reflects upon 2019 and the changes that have come, he also talks about the importance of gratitude and being thankful for what we have, and how that can have a positive effect on us.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [1:42] Recent increase in requests for more evidence
- [2:23] There is also an increase in denials
- [2:41] How to deal with the recent changes
- [3:12] Gratitude is important
- [4:32] The Firm mission at Ranchod Law Group
- [5:10] Don’t give up when immigration is challenging
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Ranchod Law Group has a mission to provide freedom and prosperity for immigrants and help more businesses to connect to top talent. The Ranchod Law Group believes that immigrants add tremendous value to the US economy seek to help companies grow with help from the immigrant talent that can contribute to their bottom line.
They also help immigrants navigate the complicated immigration process today. Ranchod Law Group has been in business for nearly 20 years in Northern California and serves clients nationwide. Contact Ranchod Law Group today for details on how the firm can help you to solve your immigration challenges. You can visit Ranchod Law Group or call 916-613-3553 or email info@ranchodlaw.com.
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