I work as an immigration attorney representing clients throughout the fifty states. We help adoptive parents in the immigration process intercountry adoptions. I offer a wealth of advice to my clients as I help them successfully navigate a process than can take from one to four years.
Here are some links that adoptive parents can utilize to help them with various issues health issues they may encounter after the adoption process is complete. It’s essential that adoptive parents understand that once they have their new family member safe and secure and the adoption complete that their work has just begun.
The American Academy of Pediatrics:
You’ll find a special link to international adoption medicine at this site, including a list of clinics. To find then, navigate to: https://www.comeunity.com/adoption/health/index.html
Centers to Disease Control and Prevention:
If you have to travel to a foreign country to adopt, you may need certain vaccines. Check this information early in the process. Here’s a link to the Traveler’s Health section: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/
This organization also offers Information concerning medical exams and tests for children adopted from other countries. Follow this link to find out more:
Using these Links
These links will give you an excellent starting point as far as intercountry adoption is concerned. A good immigration lawyer who works with intercountry adoption can help you with legal issues and with other concerns.
Contact the Ranchod Law Group in Sacramento or Stockton. If you have any questions regarding intercountry adoption. We represent clients throughout the fifty states.
To schedule a consultation contact us at (916) 613-3553 or at info@ranchodlaw.com.