The Home Study And Adoption: An Immigration Lawyer’s Perspective

Those couples or individuals who want to adopt a foreign born child must go through a home study. The home study, which is conducted by an authorized or licensed home study preparer and not by the USCIS.

Purpose of the Home Study

The home study has two purposes. First, it is done to aid the USCIS in deciding if those who wish to adopt a foreign born child will be appropriate parents. Additionally, the study is undertaken to determine if the prospective adoptive parents are eligible to engage in the process of intercountry adoption.

Home Study Requirements

The following is required of the home study preparer.

  • Go to the prospective parents’ home and engage in at least one home visit.
  • Engage in at least one interview of prospective parents. This is done in person.
  • Interview in person any adult member of the prospective adoptive parents’ household. This must be done at least once.
  • Record the number of home visits and interviews.
  • Report on any other contact with those they interviewed.

Home Study Assessments

There are three basic types of assessments or screenings that prospective adoptive parents must undergo.

  • The home study preparer will assess the potential adoptive parents’ ability to properly parent an orphan. Physical, mental and emotional health are considered. If warranted, the preparer may recommend additional evaluation by appropriate licensed professionals.
  • They will also engage in an assessment of the applicants’ finances, including savings and resources, income, debt and expenses. Proof of income will need to be provided.
  • Any criminal, abusive or violent history will be investigated by the preparer.

Rejection or Approval

The home study preparer will then write a report in which they either reject or approve the adults as prospective adoptive parents. Prior to undergoing the home study, those wishing to adopt a foreign born child are well served to seek the consul of an adoption immigration lawyer who can help them prepare for the immigration aspects of the adoption process.

If you have any questions regarding issues related to the home study or intercountry adoption, please feel free to contact the Ranchod Law Group in California. To schedule a consultation you may reach us at 415-986-6186 or at
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