i-601a Waiver Approved for Client Who Entered the U.S. Illegally

i-601a Waivers: Waiver Approval Document - The Ranchod Law Group
i-601a Waiver Approval (2017-04-13)

The Facts about this i-601a hardship waiver case

Filed: December 4, 2016

Approved: March 17, 2017

  • Client is from Mexico
  • Client entered the U.S. via the border when he was 15
  • Client is married to a woman of Mexican descent born in the U.S.
  • Client does not have a criminal history

Our Approach

These waivers are not easy to win. In order to win these cases we have to prove client’s wife would suffer hardship both if she tried to relocate to Mexico with client and also if she remained in the U.S. without client.

Client’s wife suffered from chronic pain in her feet and allergies. She was also experiencing depression and anxiety because of the stress of the immigration process.

Client’s husband is her main source of support physically, emotionally, and financially and client relies on her husband’s continued presence in the U.S. Client also couldn’t relocate to Mexico due to country conditions and also because she is responsible for her parents who live in the U.S.

Even though Client has DACA DACA he wanted to pursue an immigration option that would give him lawful permanent residency and eventually U.S. citizenship. This is a wise choice because the future of DACA is uncertain and we’ve already seen one DACA recipient unlawfully detained. We are happy to give this nice couple stability.

Schedule a consultation with us, call now (916) 613-3553

A Detailed list of other information on I-601A Waivers

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