i 601a Waiver, illegal entry and permanence in the U.S. from Mexico

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i 601a – Waiver Approval Notice

I 601a Waiver was Filed on August 31, 2016
Approved: January 14, 2017

The Facts

  • Our Client illegally entered the U.S. in 2000
  • The Client is married to a U.S. Citizen
  • The Client’s spouse has five children and ten grandchildren all U.S. Citizens

How we Built and Won the Case

We argued among other reasons that Client’s wife could not relocate to Mexico to live with Client because of her family ties and responsibilities in the U.S.

Also client’s wife has been working for the same employer since the 90s, if she left her employment to go to Mexico she would not be able to find a comparable position upon her return.

We also argued that Client’s wife needed Client to remain in the U.S. because the couple had recently opened a small family business and it is the Client who works the small business from opening to closing every day. They have no one else to help them.

Client’s wife cannot leave her own job to work the business because she needs the steady income and the health insurance provided by her own job. She had been having some health issues/pain from an undiagnosed medical problem.

Each case has its own set of circumstances and we have extensive experience in drawing out the particular circumstances of each client. We are so happy for client to finally have his immigration situation legalized and permanent.

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