News About DACA and How It Might Affect You

Hi this is Kaushik Ranchod from The Ranchod Law Group.
Before we start, just a reminder that everything we say here is not to be considered as legal advice – we’re just providing general information. If you want answers to specific questions, call our office at 916-220-3137.

Alright now we’re gonna move on to DACA :

what is going on with DACA?

It is just crazy right now with all of the different court decisions.

Right now we have Judge John Bates of the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. who issued a final judgment in favor of DACA : the Washington DC Court has said that they want DACA to go through and that Trump has to reinstate DACA . They gave a 90-day time period for President Trump to object – if he doesn’t appeal the decision then they said on August 23rd DACA would have to be reinstated.

If you have questions call us at 916-220-3137, post or comment below and we will try to answer.

We’re talking about DACA right now so I talked about the DC Court decision. In Texas another Federal Court decision is supposed to be coming out very soon, and we’re expecting them to say that they want to cancel DACA : at the moment we have two federal courts in conflict, so it’s very likely that this will go to the Supreme Court to make the final decision on what happens with DACA but as of right now you can renew your DACA application.

You cannot file a new application, the law of course is going to be changing very frequently so I invite you to just continue to watch our live show we will provide you with updates to let you know what is going on you can call at 916-220-3137 to ask us your specific questions regarding DACA or other immigration questions.

I want to thank you for tuning in to our weekly immigration update and see you next week

Related Information on DACA