Hi this is Kaushik Ranchod here from The Ranchod Law Group – Happy Friday! If it’s Friday when you’re watching this, which it is here because we’re live, we’re gonna talk about IndianJ-1waivers.
Typically, these are more difficult than other countries to get such as Egypt, but it is possible. We just got one approved.
I wanted to share our latest success story, and here we have – it’s aJ-1hardship, Extreme Hardship Waiver for and want to welcome here for (and I want to welcome you, for those of you joining live you can call us at (916) 613-3553 if you do have any questions) but back to the topic at hand – IndianJ-1waivers.
So we have a physician who is also a mom and she’s from India and she has a daughter and we got an approval for based off of the relationship to her US citizen daughter. Now how did we do that? That’s a great question, especially in thisTrumpclimate where things have gotten harder! Well the way that we did it was we demonstrated the Hardship to the daughter: if she had to stay here she wouldn’t be able to stay here because she was reliant on her mother for maternal care – she needed to actually have breastfeeding because she was rejecting infant formula. That’s argument number one. Second argument was career and Financial Hardship to the US citizen husband. He was going to be able to naturalize in two years. Second to financial hardship, they had a home that they would have had to sell and then, additionally, there were also some serious medical issues that the child was going through that require the use of a medical specialist in the United States.
So by making all of these arguments we were able to get an approval and if you have questions as to whether or not your case would be approved or not, I invite you to contact our office – pick up the phone call us (916) 613-3553 or Email Us, if you have a question you want answered just post a comment and we will talk to you next week. Thank you have an awesome day.