Why would someone want to apply for U.S. citizenship? There are a lot of reasons, but for many immigrants, one of the most compelling is that it ensures they can stay in this country. Even green card holders with permanent immigration status can be deported if they commit a serious crime.
Another major advantage given to citizens of the United States is the ability to vote. Permanent residents and green card holders aren’t granted that right, but citizens can vote in all national elections and in state elections as well, except in cases where they’re convicted felons in states that bar felons from voting.
If you’re interested in participating in politics more than by simply voting, becoming a U.S. citizen allows you to run for public office. This is a right only afforded to citizens, and it’s what allows them to represent constituents and affect change in state and national laws and policies. The only instance where this isn’t possible is in becoming the U.S. president, which requires you to be a natural born citizen.
That fact segues nicely into an interesting case. Ted Cruz is currently a presidential candidate, but he was technically born in Canada, which would seem to prevent him from becoming a United States president. But because his mother was a U.S. citizen when he was born, Ted Cruz is a U.S. citizen as well, even though he wasn’t born within U.S. borders — and that’s why he’s allowed to run for president. Recent state court cases that disputed his eligibility for election have ruled in his favor, including a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling. To learn more, check out the article “U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Wins Citizenship Lawsuit Case” on Lawyerherald.com.
If you have immigration questions please call 916-613-3553.