International Education Opportunities at Boise State University with Gonzalo Bruce of The Center for Global Education

Gonzalo Bruce is the Assistant Provost for the Center for Global Education at Boise State University. He is the Senior International Officer (SIO) serving a public, doctoral research university of 24,000+ students. His administrative responsibilities include campus internationalization efforts, international enrollment management, international student services, global learning opportunities, and international scholar services.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • [01:37] Kaushik introduces his guest, Gonzalo Bruce
  • [02:28] Gonzalo talks about when he first realized that he wanted to work in diplomacy
  • [03:25] Gonzalo shares why he is passionate about his work at the Center for Global Education at Boise State University
  • [04:30] Gonzalo talks his background that led him to working with international students at Boise State
  • [06:44] Gonzalo talks about the growth that Boise, Idaho is experiencing
  • [07:57] Gonzalo explains how Boise State is able to attract international students and the academic programs they offer that makes them stand out
  • [11:27] Gonzalo shares what he loves about living in Boise, Idaho
  • [12:50] Gonzalo discusses the programs that they offer to aid international students in settling in their new community
  • [15:34] Gonzalo shares about the commitment that Boise State has in providing employable skills and opportunities for their international students
  • [16:33] Gonzalo talks about the immigration challenges they have encountered so far
  • [20:00] Gonzalo address the question of how the Center for Global Education at Boise State University is managing the current immigration restrictions in the US
  • [24:56] Gonzalo discusses how the programs of Boise State University for international students can also help American students

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In this episode…

Is studying in the US something you’re considering? How can you be sure that the University you have chosen has the right support system for your transition as an international student to being an employable contributor to the US economy? According to Gonzalo Bruce, Assistant Provost at the Center for Global Education at Boise State University in Idaho, these are just some of the things that they aim to address in their programs for international students.

In this episode of Top Talent and Immigration, Kaushik dives deep into the programs and plans that Boise State has for their international students with the help of his guest, Gonzalo Bruce. They discuss how the programs of Boise State helps both international students and the local students of Boise, how they address immigration restrictions and challenges, and why international students should have Boise as their top of mind choice when they start to consider the idea of coming to the US for their studies and for immigration. Stay tuned.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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Ranchod Law Group has a mission to provide freedom and prosperity for immigrants and help more businesses to connect to top talent. The Ranchod Law Group believes that immigrants add tremendous value to the US economy seek to help companies grow with help from the immigrant talent that can contribute to their bottom line. 

They also help immigrants navigate the complicated immigration process today. Ranchod Law Group has been in business for nearly 20 years in Northern California and serves clients nationwide. Contact Ranchod Law Group today for details on how the firm can help you to solve your immigration challenges. You can visit Ranchod Law Group or call 916-613-3553 or email


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