What Are The New NIW Requirements? (Part 1)

Kaushik Ranchod is an immigration attorney for families and employers. He is the CEO of Ranchod Law Group, a firm that helps individuals and families start a new life in the US by walking them through the immigration process and helping them navigate through the system. They are dedicated to connecting skilled individuals with companies who are facing a shortage of talent and helping them both thrive.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • [1:55] History of the National Interest Waiver and the Matter of Dhanasar
  • [2:47] How does the first criteria of the NIW, substantial merit and national importance, affect you?
  • [4:19] Kaushik discusses how you can document and establish your status under the first criteria

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In this episode…

Are you looking to bypass the labor certification process? Do you want to get a National Interest Waiver (NIW)? It is imperative that you understand the court cases that have affected it, particularly the most recent one, the Matter of Dhanasar.

In this episode of Top Talent and Immigration, Kaushik Ranchod talks about the first criteria for NIW application which is the substantial merit and national importance. He shares its importance and how you can document and establish that you have met the requirements for it. Stay tuned.

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Ranchod Law Group has a mission to provide freedom and prosperity for immigrants and help more businesses to connect to top talent. The Ranchod Law Group believes that immigrants add tremendous value to the US economy seek to help companies grow with help from the immigrant talent that can contribute to their bottom line. 

They also help immigrants navigate the complicated immigration process today. Ranchod Law Group has been in business for nearly 20 years in Northern California and serves clients nationwide. Contact Ranchod Law Group today for details on how the firm can help you to solve your immigration challenges. You can visit Ranchod Law Group or call 916-613-3553 or email info@ranchodlaw.com.


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