PERM Labor Certification

PERM stands for Program Electronic Review Management. It is the word most often used to refer to the labor certification process for employers seeking permanent green card status for an employee. If you have a full time job offer you may qualify for Permanent Residence through the PERM process. The Ranchod Law Group in Sacramento California, can help you with all of your labor certification and PERM legal needs. Learn more about PERM labor certification on this page, then contact our office to discuss your green card, permanent residency, or other PERM needs.

Please visit our Doctor and Scientist Resource Center for more information pertaining to PERM labor certification.

How can I obtain a labor certification?

PERM is an electronic filing and tracking system used by the U.S. Department of Labor to process labor certification applications on their dedicated web site. The U.S. Immigration Service allows employers to petition a foreign worker using the PERM process. Through the PERM process, the Department of Labor issues a certification that allows the foreign worker to apply for permanent residence. The certification program is designed to assure the US Department of Labor that there is no equally qualified United States worker who is ready and available for the position offered to the foreign worker.

Part of the PERM process, along with certifying that the job cannot be filled by a qualified, willing, and able United States worker, the petitioning employer must also demonstrate that hiring the foreign worker will not hurt wages or working conditions typically afforded United States workers in the same economic marketplace. The law is in place to encourage the hiring of qualified United States workers, and discourage the hiring of foreign workers below the prevailing wage and benefits of the area.

If you are considering sponsoring an employee who is currently working on temporary employment visa status, or is presently overseas and you wish to bring them to the United States, The Ranchod Law Group can help. We invite you to learn more about employment visas at these pages:

Contact The Ranchod Law Group to learn more about how labor certification and PERM requirements affect your business, or visit our specialized PERM labor certification page on

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The PERM Process:

With the PERM process the US Department of Labor mandates that an employer go though a series of steps toward certification of the job offered. This can be done by the employer with The Ranchod Law Group’s guidance.

PERM Recruitment Requirements

STEP 1: The first step in the process is recruitment. The PERM employer must recruit for the position offered in specific ways. Depending on the type of position offered these can include print media, online recruitment sources, employer website, in-house recruitment programs, specialty publications, and other avenues. The Ranchod Law Group can help you select the correct recruitment program for the position you are offering.

Once the recruitment plan has been determined, the employer must place the ads as specified. The Ranchod Law group can help you to compose the ads.  We will also guide you through the entire recruitment process while maintaining a professional and ethical, “arms length” relationship with you, the employer, throughout the process. This is done to ensure that you are successful in obtaining an approval of your PERM application. If the law office is involved directly in the recruitment process, the application will be denied.

PERM Application

STEP 2: Once the employer has completed the recruitment process, the Ranchod Law group will prepare the PERM application and with the employer’s authorization, file the application through the PERM online resource. The entire PERM process from initial planning to filing of the application takes from three to four months and must take place within a six month recruitment window.  This can be explained in detail by calling the Ranchod Law Group.

Post PERM filing – Employment Based Green Card

After the PERM application is approved, time frames are subject to change but currently it is taking approximately one year before an application is approved by the Department of Labor.

After your PERM application is approved the employer files a petition for the employee with the United States immigration service. This petition, called the I-140 is accompanied by the certified PERM application and other support material depending on the type of PERM application filed.  Ranchod Law Group will be able to compile a completed package for filing this step of the process. In some cases, the application for Permanent Residence (Green Card) for the foreign worker and their family can accompany the I-140 in a one step process. In other instances, the I-140 is filed alone and the foreign worker and their family wait while visa issuance timeframes (called quotas) are met. The Ranchod Law Group will guide you the employer and you the foreign worker throughout the process. We are an experienced team who take pride in our work and truly care about the outcome of each petitioner’s and beneficiary’s case.

Please call the Ranchod Law group at 415-986-6186 for more information or to see if you qualify for permanent residence based on the PERM process.