i 601a Waiver Approval

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i 601a Approval Notice

Waiver Filed: July 27, 2016
Waiver Approved: December 23, 2016

The Facts about this i 601a waiver case

  • Client is from Mexico
  • Client entered the United States illegally in 2005 and has remained in the U.S. illegally
  • Client is married to U.S. Citizen who has several children, all U.S. Citizens

Our Approach to this Case

In order to win these cases we have to successfully argue that client’s U.S. Citizen wife would suffer extreme hardship if she tried to relocate to Mexico with client and also if she remained in the U.S. without client.

Client’s wife and her youngest children receive medical coverage through the state of California and if she relocated to Mexico they would lose access to the medical care they require. Having client in Mexico while client’s wife remains in the U.S. would also result in extreme hardship to his wife because the Client is the sole financial provider of the family.

With these and many other arguments in favor of this client we were able to secure this i 601a waiver approval for the Client!

These cases are not easy to win but we have extensive experience and knowledge and we prepare the very best case possible for each client.

Schedule a consultation with us, call now (916) 613-3553

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