U Visas

Can I Travel Outside the U.S. After My U Visa is Approved?

Can I Travel Outside the U.S. After My U Visa is Approved?

Can I Travel Outside the U.S. After My U Visa is Approved? If you’ve been granted a U nonimmigrant status, commonly known as a U visa, you might wonder whether you can travel outside the United States. While traveling abroad is possible, there are some important considerations to keep in mind to avoid jeopardizing your…

When Will I Get My Work Permit After Submitting My U Visa Application?

When Will I Get My Work Permit After Submitting My U Visa Application?

When Will I Get My Work Permit After Submitting My U Visa Application? The U visa program provides a pathway for victims of certain crimes to obtain legal status in the United States. Along with working with law enforcement to solve crimes and the possibility of eventual permanent residency, one of the key benefits of…

Solicitud de Visa U y viajar con Visa U – Presentación de Visa U

Solicitud de Visa U y viajar con Visa U – Presentación de Visa U

Solicitud de Visa U y viajar con Visa U – Presentación de Visa U View in English Hola, soy Kaushik Ranchod y Brian de The Ranchod Law Group con oficinas en Sacramento. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre las últimas actualizaciones con el cierre del gobierno y cómo eso afecta sus presentaciones y las Visas U…

Can You Travel While Waiting for Your U Visa to Be Approved

Can You Travel While Waiting for Your U Visa to Be Approved

What is a U Visa? The United States Congress created U visa status to help crime victims. The purpose of the U visa is to encourage victims of crime to help law enforcement investigate and prosecute crimes without fear of being deported. However, the U visa doesn’t cover all crimes, including domestic violence, stalking, sexual…

U Visa Approved Cases, Letter of Approval and Success Story

Received Date: 01/06/2015 Notice Date: 05/07/2019 In order to win U Visa Petitions we have to prove: that our client suffered a qualifying crime; that they suffered substantial injuries as a result of the crime; that they cooperated with the police in the prosecution of the assailant. Before proceeding to submit the application on behalf…

Un cliente de Visa U recibe una llamada del número 1-888

Nuestra oficina en Sacramento recibió una llamada de un cliente de U Visa que nos llamó porque recibió una llamada de un número 1-888-867-3913, y la persona con la que habló le dijo que sería arrestada en 3 horas y que necesitaba llamar al siguiente número : 1-877-487-0773. Mencionaron un nombre, Peter Jackson, y le…

USCIS Issues Employment Authorization Document to Victim of Robbery and Derivative Children

On November 21, 2016, we received employment authorization documents for the victim of a robbery and his derivative children. On April 2011, our client Julian (not his real name), was beaten and robbed by a group of men. He sustained a large contusion and laceration to his face that required an emergency room visit. Julian…

California first state to pass legislation to expedite U Visa Certifications

About U Visa Certifications Most illegal immigrants come to the United States to escape a life of poverty and violence. Unfortunately, once they are here they fail to report even the most heinous crimes committed against them for fear of being deported. This fear makes illegal immigrants particularly vulnerable to victimization. In October of 2000,…

U Nonimmigrant Status

Commonly, we use Waivers to help clients with criminal issues. Not every criminal issue will require you to file a Waiver (for example, if you were wrongfully arrested and the charges were dropped). You need to know that for purposes of immigration, pleading “no contest” constitutes a conviction). If you do have a criminal conviction,…

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