Immigration Reforms

President Biden’s Groundbreaking Immigration Reform – Parole in Place
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President Biden’s Groundbreaking Immigration Reform – Parole in Place

On June 18, 2024, the new “Parole in Place” was unveiled by DHS which was a crucial step to realizing President Biden’s promise of promoting family unity within the immigration system. Who May Qualify DHS will evaluate, on a case-by-case basis, requests for noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens who: If granted parole, applicants can apply…

Benefits for the Economy from Meaningful Immigration Reform

Article Published in The Sacramento Bee   My family immigrated to the United States from Cape Town, South Africa, when I was just a year old, so I understand on a very personal level why people are willing to leave their family, friends and all that they know to start a new life here. From…

Donald Trump’s First 100 Days in Office » What to Expect

The 6 top priority changes the Donald Trump Administration has on the agenda regarding immigration you need to know In October, Trump released an action plan detailing the changes he will make during his first 100 days in office. By listing immigration changes six separate times throughout this action plan, Trump has made it very…

A Dream on Hold: DAPA and Expanded DACA in Legal Limbo

Although often controversial, executive actions have been used since the 1950’s by every president to cure immigration problems in this country. In September 2014, through a series of executive orders President Obama sought to address the immigration issues faced by millions of illegal immigrants. His Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, immigration directives, included a…

DACA and Executive Action on Immigration

Obama’s executive action on immigration and DACA During the State of the Union address in January, immigration reform wasn’t a talking point. In fact, it was only mentioned briefly—and as a reminder of the president’s intention to veto efforts to derail immigration reform. In December, several cities and states filed a federal lawsuit in opposition…


The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 245(i)

With the announcement of the new unlawful presence waiver this past March, we have seen many new clients asking questions to see if they qualify. Some of these individuals actually qualify for adjustment of status (the process under which you can obtain your green card, lawful permanent residency) under a law called Immigration and Nationality…

Same Sex Couples Obtain Immigration Benefits

Vea Pagina en Español Now that the Supreme Court has ruled the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, Ranchod Law is overjoyed to help Sacramento and San Francisco LGBT couples obtain immigration relief. Immigration relief can mean several things depending on the status of the foreign national partner. The U.S. Citizen partner may file a…

Study about low-skilled immigration and the US economy

There is always a lot of discussion about the negative impact on the US job market by the increasing number of low-skilled immigrants. I found an interesting study, that analyses the problem in detail. A recent study by Professor Harry J. Holzer from Georgetown University, indicates that low-skilled immigration has little impact on the wages…

Immigration Lawyer Considers the Issue that Won’t Go Away

Arizona Reveals Need for US Immigration Law Reform to this Sacramento Attorney This year, many US Senators and Congressmen have been pushing for immigration reform. The president has been lobbied, rallies have been held, debates are ongoing but immigration reform is still a concept and not a reality. The recent incidents in Arizona have caused…

Immigration Reform in Arizona

A Sacramento Immigration Attorney’s Take on the New Arizona Immigration Law In my Sacramento office where I practice as an immigration lawyer, I’m constantly surrounded by news regarding the growing debate around the reform of our immigration policies. This is an issue that affects millions of Americans directly and all Americans indirectly. Arizona has a…

An Immigration Attorney Considers Reform Issues

Santa Clara Immigration Attorney Discusses Various Aspects of Immigration Reform What are the real issues surrounding immigration reform? As an immigration attorney, any type of reform is bound to have an effect on my Santa Clara office from which I work with people and organizations from all over the country. The phrase “immigration reform” means…

An Immigration Lawyers Looks at E-Verify

Sacramento Immigration Lawyer Considers the Real Effects of E-Verify I’ve seen over and over in my role as an immigration lawyer that whenever the government institutes a new immigration policy or process there’s confusion, resistance and continued debate. E-Verify, the electronically based method whereby the USCIS determines if a worker is in the country legally,…

March for Immigration Reform: An Immigration Lawyer’s Observations

In my San Francisco and Northern California based immigration law practice, I am in daily contact with those who are affected by immigration reform legislation. As a lawyer, I am constantly sifting through ways in which the changing political tides will affect my clients and the manner in which I can help them. This past…

Observations by an Immigration Lawyer on Representative Gutierrez’s Threat

As an immigration lawyer in Sacramento, one area I have focused on in this blog is on the likelihood of immigration reform actually happening and the push by Democrats to get Congress to seriously consider such reforms. Just the other day, President Obama met with Senators Graham and Schumer on this issue. President Obama was,…

Senators and President Meet: Observations from an Immigration Lawyer

There was a lot of concern amongst those focused on the subject of immigration reform, when President Obama barely mentioned the subject in his State of the Union address. I’m in the midst of immigration issues in my law practice in San Francisco. On March 11, 2010, the President met with Senators Graham and Schumer,…

Will Immigration Reform be Helped or Hurt by Election Concerns?

When you work in the area of immigration as an attorney, you’re certainly sensitive to client concerns and keep current on national and political trends. Thus, when President Obama barely touched on immigration reform in his State of the Union Address, giving it a mention in one sentence, I knew there would be fallout from…

Remittance and Immigration Reform: One Lawyer’s Perspective

I find as an immigration lawyer that the issue of immigration reform, next to health care reform, creates heated debate. Many feel that it’s an economic issue and that undocumented immigrants put a strain on our economy. But for many lawmakers and leaders in this country, it’s become clear that something has to happen and…

Important Immigration Reform Debate in Congress

As an immigration lawyer, I’m well aware that immigration law will be changing again shortly as the US Congress prepares to debate this hot button issue. One major bill, which has been introduced by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) and strongly supported by Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) is The Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security…

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